2024 Presentation

This year the Merewether Carlton Presentation was held at the Surfhouse with a stunning back drop of Merewether Beach. A great day was had by all, celebrating a wonderful season.

Congratulations to the following players on this years club awards;
Best & Fairest – Jack Maunder
Premier 1 Players Player – Nik Sykiotis
Women’s Players Player – Jasmine Lambkin
Rookie of the Year – Tom Jackson
Highest Point Scorer – Jessica Gentle
Mens Most Improved – Heath Goodman
Women’s Most Improved – Anna Chapman
Club Coach of the Year – Tony Munro
Club Person of the Year – Callan Blanch
Club Supporter of the Year – Brett Goodman

Congratulations to the following players for taking out this years team awards.
Premier 1
Best Back – Rory Ryan
Best Forward – Dave Puchert
Premier 2
Best Back – Gabe Moylan
Best Forward – Jack Maunder
Premier 3
Best Back – Connor Sheridan
Best Forward – Chris Vizl
Best Back – Peta Salter
Best Forward – Felicity Carroll
Friday Fourths
Best Back – Tim Ashworth
Best Forward – Paddy Hogan

Team of the year
Felicity Carroll – Prop
Matt Baggs – Hooker
Nik Sykiotis – Prop
Kade Robinson Lock No.4
Oran Sheridan Lock No.5
Josh Tomlinson – Flanker
Chris Vizl – Flanker
Jack Maunder No.8
Rory Ryan – Scrum Half
Peta Salter – Fly Half
Josh Fisher – Winger
Connor Sheridan – Outside Center
Jordan Baggs – Inside Center
Ben Hanlan – Wing
Jack Mackay – Fullback

P1 Grand Final Win 2024

Gallery of images and game recap below.  Thanks to Stewart Hazell and Michael Mockovic @mockaccino for such amazing images.


The only game that mattered on Saturday was the P1 rematch of the 2023 Grand Final. Greens v Blacks in what shaped as a game for the ages.  There is no love lost between these two powerhouses of Hunter and NSW Country Rugby and there was a buzz in the air as the crowd snaked into the carpark whilst the sun set on a Wanderer-less No.2 Oval.

The Green Hill was in full flight as the later start, free shuttle buses and special deals from the Prince had many of the Greens faithful in full flight before a ball had been passed.

Both teams started a little tentatively with early opportunities to post points and settle the nerves taken by both sides, happy to open the accounts with penalty goals.  But as the game warmed up it was clear that the Greens boys were not in the mood to play around and a beautiful ball to Tommy Jackson about 20 meters out saw the loping lock sprint home to dive over under the posts securing the first five pointer of the game.  A great way to cap off what has been a breakout season for Tommy in the top grade! 

Buoyed by this the Greens continued to mount the pressure.  Pick and go followed by pick and go and the Greens ground the blacks to their line where it was Baggs who, head down and legs pumping drove over to bag himself another 5 pointer from short range.  Matt has made a habit of scoring from less than a meter this year and it is his trademark play! 

Shortly after fullback Lachlan Swan saw space, burning the opposition and once again sliding over under the dot for another 5 pointer.  

Resilience is something that this Blacks side does not lack, and half time served them well as they realised the title was slipping from grasp.  A well worked lineout and maul had them set up beautifully for a try out wide and a glimmer of hope had resumed.  Momentum was definitely with Blacks as they sensed some weakness in the Greens outfit.  

However a complete domination of their scrum from 5 meters out saw stand in half back Sam Bright pick up from the back (although it wasn’t pretty) and put the ball over the stripe to improve the Greens position. 

As if humiliating their scrum was not enough as they started to build some momentum in the back field from a solid counter attack, the Blacks had the Greens stripped wide, a long pass went sailing into the air, a pass that if it had found its mark could’ve swung the game for the Blacks. Instead 8 Lachlan Milton pounced on the opportunity plucking the ball from mid air and running away to score for the Greens and take the wind out of the Blacks sails. This was it, the premiership was to be beach bound for 2024.  A late try to the Blacks did nothing to change the result. Greens P1 Premiers for 2024.

A match that had many remark it was the fastest and most clinical game of Rugby that had been witnessed in the local scene for a very long time.  Congratulations to Tony Munro and all the coaching staff and players who supported the boys to get the job done!  

Game Recap by Andrew Pryce

Ladies Day 2024

As we wrap up an epic Ladies Day event I wanted to make another big shoutout to our sponsor Lyndall Allan and all the Salt Property team. It was a delight to partner with you for this event!

With 170 fabulous ladies in attendance and exclusive access to the Green Room, we knew we were in for a treat. We kicked things off with a cocktail on arrival, and it set the mood perfectly for what was to come.

A huge shoutout to Natina Fresh Grazing and The Prince for keeping our tummies happy with their delicious spreads of grazing platters and pizzas. Seriously, nobody left hungry!

Then, onto the games! We had everything from a wild scavenger hunt to the classic balloon race that brought out our competitive sides in the best way possible. I think most people heard the laughter and cheers!

And of course, we can’t forget about crowning our 2024 Queen of the Green—Kate Streatfeild. It was fabulous that Yvette Cavanagh was there to pass over her crown. Special thanks to Cuppa Joe, Goldie’s Designer Dress Hire, and Beauty & the Fox our Queen looked absolutely stunning.

Last but not least, a massive thank you to our fantastic bar staff who kept the drinks flowing all afternoon and into the evening. And our DJ who kept the party going!

Cheers to all the incredible women who make MCRC the best you’ve ever seen! It was great to celebrate your contribution to this club on Ladies Day.

Can’t wait ’til next year!

Anzac Day 2024 – A tribute to Dr Idris “The Doc” Morgan

Dr Idris Morgan


Idris Morgan was born in Bourke NSW in 1891 where his father, Rev. Thomas Morgan, was Superintendent of Missions for the Presbyterian Church.

After the family moved to Sydney, Idris completed his secondary education at Fort Street High School, matriculating with 1st Class Honours in English and French.

He went on to undertake a degree in Medicine at Sydney University, graduating in 1915 aged 23 having been awarded The University Medal.

Within months of his graduation Idris had enlisted in the AIF, been taken into the Australian Army Medical Corps with the rank of Captain and embarked for Egypt on 11 October 1915.

After serving in Base Hospitals in Egypt and France, the Doc was transferred to the 19th Battalion as Regimental Medical Officer on 30 March 1917.

A Regimental Aid Post (“RAP”) was the first step in the medical evacuation chain. The post was usually located about 700 yards (640m) behind the front.

A Regimental Medical Officer and five other ranks from the Australian Army Medical Corps staffed most posts. Infantry battalions assigned at least 16 soldiers to act as stretcher-bearers.

The RAP was a vital point of liaison with the field ambulance units set up further behind the front. The post controlled everything in front of its position. Field ambulances controlled the medical evacuation chain behind the post.

Medical officers tried to set up regimental aid posts in the most suitable places. This wasn’t always possible.

Major Keith Doig, the Regimental Medical Officer for 60th Battalion, noted in his diary on 26 November 1916 that his RAP:
…was a deep German dug-out but unfortunately right in the middle of the barrage line and machine gunning.” Source – Anzac Portal – link here.

In an interview published in Newcastle Sun in 1967 and 1980 The Doc recounted his having refereed both rugby and soccer matches between AIF Units taking breaks behind the front lines. He is quoted as saying:

“While I had never played soccer, my experience in hockey gave me some insight…..
The players seemed satisfied…. Then of course, that may have been connected to my being an Officer, or, they did not know the Rules any better than I did.”

In 1917, the 19th was involved in the follow-up of German forces after their retreat to the Hindenburg Line and was one of four battalions to defeat a counter-stroke by a German force, almost five times as strong, at Lagincourt. The Battalion took part in three major battles before the year was out, second Bullecourt (3-4 May) in France, and Menin Road (20-22 September) and Poelcappelle (9-10 October) in Belgium. Source – Australian War Memorial – link here.

19th Battalion
On 9 April 1917 Dr Morgan was Mentioned in Despatches for his bravery in bringing wounded Diggers into cover. Below is the Certificate issued to him, signed by Winston Churchill.

Dr Morgan MiD Cert
On 7 October 1917, during the fighting immediately preceding the Battle of Poelcappelle, the Doc became one of the thousands wounded in this War.

John Taylor, who is researching the Club’s history, interviewed Dr Morgan’s son Tom, last year. The following is an extract from that interview:

Idris didn’t talk a great deal to his son Tom about the war but he did tell him how he was wounded.

As explained to Tom by his father, after heavy rain and heavy shelling the ground was very heavily pockmarked, and it was churned up into soft earth. The whole thing became mud, and no-one could move on it except by these duckboards. Soldiers had to walk or move across them.

‘’Dad would go out on those duckboards for anyone who was injured and carry them back.’’

“He was bringing in a wounded soldier …. He told me that he heard a shell coming, dived off the duckboard to the nearest hole and was in midair when the shell struck. It took off the lower part of his leg just above the ankle. He tied his own tourniquet and cut through the few remaining pieces of skin and tissue that hadn’t been severed by the shell and he then crawled back along the duckboard. He was then sent to England.’’

The following is copied from the AIF Service Record:

Australian Imperial Force
He was back at work in an Australian Army Hospital in England on 20 January 1918, just over three months after having his left leg amputated. The following is again taken from John’s interview with Tom Morgan:

‘’Dad went to hospital in England and was one of the early returned soldiers to have a wooden leg.’’ Tom said.
‘’He told me they weren’t very advanced in those days but that he encouraged others in the hospital with limb loss and wooden limbs to learn to use their limbs efficiently and that he also helped with morale in the hospital.’’

Promoted to the rank of Major on 9 July 1918, he continued to treat and support wounded Diggers in England until he embarked at Liverpool on 16 November 1918 to return home, arriving in January 1919.

By 1920 Newcastle Herald articles have him working at The Royal Newcastle and Mater Hospitals. By at least 1932 he is in private practice in Bolton Street Newcastle.

Researching the Newcastle Herald and Newcastle Sun archives it becomes clear that The Doc had several passions, most notably, Medicine, Returned Servicemen, Education, Community Service, Swimming and Rugby.

The extraordinary number of references to Dr Morgan in the Newcastle Newspapers archives over decades attests to a life quite obviously devoted to Community.

In his interview with John Taylor, Tom Morgan fondly recounted shooting trips for quail and duck with his father and brother.

‘’Shooting was one of the sports Dad really loved. He gave me an English shotgun when I was 16. We always had meat on the table.’’ Tom said.

Tom described his dad as a good father figure, enthusiastic, natural speaker, friendly and would go out of his way to help people. ‘’That was his nature and I think that is probably why he took up medicine.”

There are countless references in the newspaper archives of his appearances, as Guest Speaker at Charitable, Community and Sporting Group functions, either by direct invitation or as a representative of Rotary Newcastle, for example:

  • The Workers Educational Association – lectures on Ancient Egypt, The History of Medicine, The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire and these are a few of many.
  • The RSL – advice on medical benefits and pension appeals for Returned Servicemen.
  • Numerous Scout Groups – instruction in first aid.
  • There are numerous references to him giving advice on diet and basic hygiene to a wide range of Community groups and associations.
  • He conducted classes for first responders of the Newcastle Ambulance Service

One speech in particular was one he gave to members of the Newcastle Business and Professional Women’s Club and reported in the Newcastle Herald on 5 May 1939 under the caption “Doctor Advocates Home Training Before Marriage. The full Herald article can be read here.

Dr Morgan was one of the Foundation Directors of the Rotary Club of Newcastle. He was the inaugural Secretary, served in that role until he became President and was the initiator of the Club’s first community service project – the oversight of the survey of crippled children in the Club’s region (mainly due to polio) and went on to establish the Newcastle and Northern Region’s Crippled Children’s Association. He established diagnostic investigations, education programs for crippled children and was behind the establishment of the recreational facility at Myuna Bay for social and exercise programs for crippled children.  

Rotary Club’s members would drive the children to the Myuna Bay facility, which is currently being demolished, and assist them with the exercise programs. 

As a Medical Practitioner he was held in the highest regard, being called to give expert medical evidence in civil and criminal courts over many years, including on the subject of medical hypnosis.

In 1953 the Army flew The Doc to Korea to give expert evidence in the Court Martial of an Australian corporal charged with the murder of an American soldier. The corporal was found to have a mental disability.

Research in local newspaper archives produces references to The Doc being the Honorary Medical Officer of many amateur sporting bodies and community groups throughout Newcastle.

Dr Morgan held a special regard for those of his patients who were returned Diggers, from both wars. And there were many of them. He was particularly concerned with their mental health but also took a personal interest in those with social and personal difficulties. In one of the extensive articles in the Newcastle Sun he is quoted, referencing his Digger patients, “They let you know what they are thinking, sometimes in good old Digger terms. This I like.

He was a member of the Newcastle Repatriation Committee which had the responsibility of assisting Diggers to find and return to work. The Doc also contributed to assisting Diggers through his work with the RSL and Gallipoli Legion.

In 1932 he became aware of unemployed Diggers, some with children, living rough in the “Diggers Camp” in Hall Street Newcastle (near what is now Market Town). He set up the Diggers Relief Fund and personally collected clothing and other items to assist them. Linked here are two Newcastle Herald articles covering the Camp and the Fund.

On 24 April 1934 Dr Morgan gave an Anzac address to a Rotary Club lunch which was reported in full in the Newcastle Herald and can be read here.

As for sport, The Doc was up for anything, but swimming and rugby clearly topped the list. Before his Military Service he was an avid surf swimmer and member of Bondi Surf Club. While the loss of his leg curtailed his surf swimming it did not deter or prevent him being involved and competing in baths events.

He became a competitor in the Diggers, Newcastle Premier and Northern Districts Swimming Clubs and Newcastle baths competitions conducted by Newcastle Surf Club while also assisting events run by these clubs as starter, judge, recorder, and in any other capacity. Dr Morgan also served terms as President of the Northern Districts Swimming and Newcastle Surf Clubs.

Several years after returning from the war Dr Morgan with two other Diggers competed in a 3-man team relay event at the NSW Diggers State Swimming Championships. The Doc competed with his one leg. Of the other two, one had a bullet still lodged in his back and the other, a bullet still in his knee. They finished third in a field of eight.

At Sydney University Dr Morgan played hockey, for which he was awarded a University Blue and some rugby, (when hockey commitments permitted), describing himself as, “just an ordinary player.”

His service to rugby would be far above the ordinary.

In 1924 Rugby in Newcastle was reborn after a ten-year suspension due to the player drain to enlistment in the Services. Idris Morgan was elected Chairman of Newcastle Rugby’s Management Committee and appointed the Union’s honorary Medical Officer, holding the latter position for some 40 years, “…. always ready to give free service to injured players from any club. He can be seen at any game, ready to attend players.” [Newcastle Herald 21 August 1958]

He became a Life Member of the Newcastle Rugby Union in 1958.

Dr Morgan

The Doc added to an already very busy life when he was elected President of the Cooks Hill Surf Club RUFC at the foundation meeting of that Club on 1st March 1927. The full minutes of that meeting can read/downloaded here.

A prominent foundation member, mentioned in those minutes, is Sid Malcolm (Wallaby #242 – 18 Tests 1927-1934) who would later play a part in the coaching of the very first players for Merewether Carlton.

In June 1930 Dr Morgan was no doubt a leading figure in the amalgamation of his club, which earlier in 1930 had changed its name to Merewether RUFC, and Carlton RUFC.

There is no documented record of the agreement to amalgamate. The next available record is the minutes of the first AGM of Merewether Carlton RUFC held in the old greenroom on 12 March 1931 when Dr Morgan and Mr E R Caldwell (formerly Carlton RUFC President) were elected Presidents.

He and Mr Caldwell continued to share the position until February 1936 when Dr Morgan was elected in his own right. He was elected, unopposed, each and every year until he stood down as President of Merewether Carlton on 16 December 1974.

The Doc bookended the 1927 and 1974 years with 1st Grade Premierships.
Premier teams
He was a constant presence at games, always up for a chat. He could have a conversation with anyone about pretty well anything. The Doc knew every player’s name, even down to those playing in Junior teams.

He didn’t lack a sense of humour either. Players from the early 70’s will remember an incident when The Doc got his prosthetic foot caught under the brake pedal and put his car into the steel and wire fence surrounding the No.2 playing area. Given that this was in front of the crowd on the “Green Hill”, it followed that he got a a fair spray of advice on driving, which he took in great humour.

He was everybody’s Doctor. His ‘Trench’ sideline treatment for injured players was legendary.

It was always obvious that he enjoyed being around the members, the players and the game.

Dr Idris Morgan“Mick Mewburn 100 1st Grade Games 1956”

As for The Doc’s own reflections on his years at Merewether Carlton, that is best left to him:
“It is an experience that has been most rewarding and one I would not have willingly missed. I’ve been fortunate to be associated with many grand chaps – the ordinary player and member as well as those who were outstanding club and representative players – and there were many.”

“It was the spirit that counted, and Carlton never lacked it. It’s a great club and an honour to belong to it, let alone be its President.”

“Wouldn’t have missed the experience for anything. Like all Diggers, a great bunch of fellows.”

The above quotes are taken from extensive interview articles published in Newcastle Sun in 1967 and 1980. The full articles are available by following the links. Newcastle Sun article 1967 and Newcastle Sun 1980.

Doc Morgan died in May 1980 having just seen his Club kick off its 51st season and 50th Anniversary Year. After finishing 4th Merewether Carlton 16 defeated Wanderers 3 in the 1st Grade Grand Final on 13 September 1980.

Meet Your Club Captains

At the 2023 season AGM in Feb 2024, the Board proposed a Constitution change to allow up to two Club Captains to be selected for the club.

As you’re all aware, we have a very big club & we want to ensure we have a positive experience for our playing group. Having two Club Captains allows a wider touch point for the players and improved communication to the Board.
In 2024, we believe we’ve got the right mix!

Late February, the playing group voted in both Jock Wait & Naomi Medlin as our 2024 Club Captains. We asked them a few questions so we can help everyone get to know them.

Naomi Medlin

Player number 2703, Naomi, affectionately known as Nomes, is our youngest player to reach 100 games for our Women’s team & our first female Club Captain!

Having started playing at a young age of 17 in 2010, Nomes reached this amazing milestone in round 1 of 2018.

A damaging ball runner & a fearless defender, Nomes is a clear leader that our club is very proud to have involved. Naomi will bring an honest view and a solid work ethic to our club.

Naomi said “I’m very excited for the 2024 season. We have a very good group of players and everyone is getting involved. I’m still playing & want to pass on all my knowledge to our up & coming girls.

I’m looking to work closely with Jock to ensure our Social Calendar is full, our player standards are held in high regard by all & working with the playing group to ensure we’re competitive whilst having fun, supporting each other”

What makes the Greens a club you want to play for week in and week out? The drive for me to play for the greens week in week out is having the opportunity to give back to a club and supporters that has constantly supported and helped me grow as not only a player but as a person for the last 13 years. Some of my fondest memories and relationships made during my 30 years of life have been made wearing the green jersey, and I believe It is a privilege to have the chance to continue on with that.

What does it mean to you to be voted Club Captain by the playing group? It’s with great honour to be selected for this role, especially as the first female. The players, the leadership group and board members we have at the moment is filled with depth, great camaraderie and passion for this club. I’m beyond privileged to be given the opportunity to be the voice, leader and mentor of that by the playing group here.

What do you hope to achieve this year as part of Merewether Carlton? In 2024 my key aspiration is to contribute in growing the club and its players. To ensure the younger generation coming through have ample opportunity and resources available to ensure they enjoy this great game and environment Merewether has created. I believe that is key to a successful club.

Jock Wait

Player number 3048, Jock started with MCRC seniors in 2015 and has already racked up 138 games in this short period. A member of the 2022 Premiership winning team, Jock has grown into a great leader for our club.

Jock started in our Junior system in 2009 and hit the ground running in 2015 when he started Snrs. He debuted in P1 in 2016 and has been in and around P1 & 2 ever since. Jock has been our P2 Captain for the last couple of seasons & is a natural leader on the field.

Jock said “Very excited to start our 2024 campaign as a club. We we are very determined to continue building on the success from our last couple years, and as a playing group we are confident we have the talent to do exactly that. Stoked for Nomes with her appointment as the first female club captain, and looking forward to working with her throughout the year.”

What makes the Greens a club you want to play for week in and week out? It has to be the community and supporters. There’s nothing more I look forward to then playing a home game at Townson on a Saturday afternoon.

What does it mean to you to be voted Club Captain by the playing group? It means a lot, very nice to know I’ve got the backing of my mates.

What do you hope to achieve this year as part of Merewether Carlton? The Club championship is a big one for me. We’ve come close in recent years, and the success of an entire club is something I’d like to be striving for.

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