Dads and Lads Event 2021

On Sunday 16th May, players, family, friends and others within the community came out of the woodwork to head to Townson on a sunny afternoon to witness some ancient rugby skills on display.

The Dads and Lads match was a fantastic afternoon, and a wonderful chance for dads who have watched countless games of their son’s rugby, to be able to take the field together.

It was great to see the younger guys embrace the event and enjoy the day as well. After a few ‘tough’ games, it was off to the Green Room to share tales of old and new and reminisce of a time when we still had it. The Green Room was alive with excitement and the spirit of rugby was the winner on the day.

Our intention is for this to be an annual event and to be able to welcome new recruits as their young blokes turn 18. Thank you to everyone who was involved in the day, special mention to our sponsors for allowing this day to go forward.

We must express our sympathy to Nick King who unfortunately came off worse for wear on the day. We hope you are doing ok Nick.

Jockie Wilson

A special thank you to Stewart Hazell for coming along and taking these photos that we will hold as great memories of the day!

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